
New Change Equation

Time limit: 365 days

$695 Enroll

Full course description

Change leadership must become—right alongside your winning business strategy—a core competency, widely shared and strengths-inspired. Over 70% of all organizational change efforts and personal change efforts (like dieting) fail. When we’re unable to act with agility, speed, and unity because we have the “change equation” wrong—often from the outset of problem framing—opportunities are missed and revenue lost.

After three decades of research and thousands of interviews, it’s clear that we change best when we are strongest and most positive, not when we feel the weakest, most negative, or helpless.

Offered completely online, The New Change Equation leverages the practical insights of David Cooperrider, PhD, professor of organizational behavior and author of Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change. This course is designed to help both individuals and leadership groups manage change to scale up every kind of excellence.


The New Change Equation is a seven-week digital course with online video assignments, supplemental materials, peer reviews, and discussion boards.

  • A step-by-step process to leading strengths-inspired change.
  • The merits and value of positive change management.
  • Actual techniques – David Cooperrider's new change equation model provides powerful, specific change leadership and management techniques.

Learning Outcomes:

As a result of this program, participants will:

  • Harness the best in human systems to rally people in change-resistant institutions to realize new and better futures
  • Develop a coherent P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E change platform and roadmap to excel.
  • Master your ability and skill to mobilize change in your organization
  • Apply the ten most powerful change management developed from more than 3,000 interviews with industry leading stars from 57 different countries.